. This range allows for optimal photosynthesis, root development, and overall plant health.
. Here's what happens:
Ka nui rawa te wera o te wera i te wa o te pua puawai ka arahi ki te whanaketanga puawai ngoikore. Ka taea e te pāmahana tiketike te take o te puawai tarukino kia noho huatau, kia maamaa, kaua ki te mātotoru me te tino rangatiratanga. Ko tenei ka hua i te whakaheke i te kounga me te maha o te kotinga. If a grower in a hot climate doesn't control the temperature effectively, they may find that their yields are significantly reduced due to heat stress.
Proper ventilation is crucial for regulating temperature and preventing heat buildup inside a greenhouse. Me whakarite nga kaiahuwhenua he nui te rererangi ki te tuku i te hau makariri ki te neke i te wa e peia ana te hau wera.
5. Me pehea te tiaki i te tarukino i te wa o nga pu
● Te whakahou i nga tipu (mo nga kaiahuwhenua o waho):